
Slack Lust - Aiming To Discover More So Than Promote

Paris Lia and I are launching our new online magazine this week!

Slack Lust is too irreverent to be stuffy, too hopeful and bright eyed to be merely critique. We take the aspects of culture - art, music, books, food, etc. - that turn us on in the moment, that send us into fits of exuberance, and use our words and art to pick up where other media leave off - we bring it in and 'take it personally.'

'How we became modern' - our debut theme examines the music of Yeasayer in the context of relationship wreckage, search engines as a certain type of tragedy, the art of low taste from Susan Sontag to Regretsy.com, and Eileen Myles latest book Inferno as personal performance.

We would love if you would visit Slack Lust and give it some love when you have a moment. Follow us on Facebook if you will (yes, we're doing all that). Spread the word and leave comments! We welcome your thoughts and your conversation!

Last but not least, we would like to thank Dan Chelotti, Anne Rocchio, Blake Walker and Jason Willome for sharing their writing and artwork in Slack Lust's first issue. Thank you, thank you!

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